The Earth Needs Green Recovery
The Earth Needs Green Recovery
Zagreb, 9th June 2020
Greenpeace activists carrying the sick planet Earth prop on a four-metre stretcher receiving infusion in front of the Croatian Parliament at St Mark's Square to warn about the alarming condition of our planet and urge for its "green recovery" by prioritising climate crisis and protection of our environment and placing them in the centre of plans for recovery from COVID pandemic.
Just like the rest of Europe and the world, Croatia is facing the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our activists have sent out the message that dealing with this and the even larger climate crisis calls for immediate abandoning of harmful and unsustainable economic practices that are at the root of the problem. They have invited political parties to make green recovery and stopping climate crisis priorities in their programmes for the upcoming election.
“All economic recovery measures must focus on abating the climate crisis, on protecting the environment, on our welfare, and on minimising carbon emissions. Croatian electorate will be deciding about their leadership for the next four years taking into account how the parties treat the environmental issues, protection of the seas, plastic pollution, local agriculture and food production, renewable energy, green jobs, and sustainable tourism. All political decisions made today must support the future of our planet instead of polluter industries. We urge the voters to make sure they do”, said Petra Andrić, head of the Greenpeace campaign.
This week, Greenpeace will distribute a survey to all political parties and their coalitions, asking them to voice their positions on fighting the climate crisis and supporting new, sustainable economic development. This entails substantial investment into green infrastructure and transformation of the current business models to embrace sustainable transportation, low-carbon future, green building, renewable energy, environmental protection, and circular economy.
“This crisis has given us an opportunity to turn around harmful practices. Most European countries are already discussing how to recover economy and make it just and green. We're therefore asking our political parties to focus on sustainable economy in their election programmes. We've run out of time”, Andrić concluded.